Abstract – Mahulena Exnerová

Cooperation and capabilities of specialized palliative care providers

Mahulena Exnerová

Serious life-limiting or life-threatening diseases are comparatively rare in child populations, but according to the latest research, their prevalence continues to increase. Pediatric palliative care comprises comprehensive multidisciplinary care for such children and their families. Core elements of pediatric palliative care include not only open and empathetic communication with the child and their caregivers about the options and goals of treatment for the given disease, but also the provision of maximum comfort and the enablement of the best possible life for both child and family. All is done in accordance with the preferences of the child and their caregivers. It is important that different modalities of care are available and that they are coordinated as much as possible. If, for any reason, simple discharge from the hospital emergency bed into home care is not possible, pediatric palliative care should also include the provision of long-term intensive nursing care in dedicated wards (with and without ventilation). Such care must be closely followed up with outpatient care (outpatient clinics for palliative medicine, other specialist outpatient clinics, pediatric services), as well as with mobile specialized palliative care if the condition of the child discharged into home care is unstable, or if the child is at the end of life and the family wishes for them to be cared for at home.