
Dear colleagues,
After 2 postponements because of COVID we are very happy to invite you to our international EURLYAID conference:
"Creating Early Childhood Intervention Together – Building Bridges“ on May 15 and 16, 2023 in Prague.
The motto of the international ECI conference EURLYAID 2023 points to the need for a transdisciplinary approach.
The goal of the conference is to exchange information on recent research and international practice in ECI. Based on that the further anchoring of Early Childhood Intervention in the care system for children with special needs and their families in the Czech Republic, both benefitting families and professionals.
Parents are the main experts on their children. Strengthening their competences is an important topic.
All participants can get information on homebased practice, learn about the results of research on the best practices and the development of children with special needs.
Prague has always been a crossroad of cultures and languages in Central Europe. It is the beautiful capital of the Czech Republic, which has long been a landmark of European scientific and academic life.
We believe that hosting this conference in Prague will inspire and motivate all participant.

Jitka Barlova, Ph.D.
director of Společnost pro ranou péči, z. s.
boardmember of EURLYAID

Conference commentaries


Director, Research Institute for Individuals with Disabilities Professor of Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Anadolu University, Eskisehir, TURKEY

Honestly this is one of the best...

    Marilyn Espe-Sherwindt

    Consultant for EURLYAID and for Ohio’s Project TREES

    I love this field and so I love...

      Michael Guralnick

      University of Washington

      Well, this has realy been an extraordinary conference – the energy...

        Gabriela Drastichová

        Světluška (Firefly)

        It was impossible to leave the...

          Barbora Vágnerová

          Nadace rodiny Vlčkových

          We thank the entire team of Společnost pro ranou péči for organizing...

            Eva Pavlová

            quote from her welcome speech

            When my husband was elected president, I made a commitment to stand up for...

              Vladislav Matej

              SOCIA – Nadácia na podporu sociálnych zmien (Foundation for Supporting Social Changes), Slovakia

              The conference was very powerful, very intensive. Many presentations were...

                Looking Back

                Na aktivních odkazech níže najdete prezentace řečníků, kteří souhlasili s jejich zveřejněním:


                Pondělí 15.5. Sál PRAHA

                9.00–10.00 úvodní slovo, Jitka Barlová (Společnost pro ranou péči),
                Ana Maria Serrano (EURLYAID) a další

                10.00–10.45 keynote 1
                Michael Guralnick: Předškolní inkluze a vrstevnické vztahy dětí

                11.15 – 12.45

                Ena Heimdahl & Christina Haulrich Klausen: Budování mostů mezi rodiči a odborníky; knižní projekt, který nebyl snadný

                Anna Kukuruza: Odolnost rané péče, válečné lekce z Ukrajiny

                Ibrahim H. Diken: Naturalistický vyučovací proces pro inkluzivní vzdělávání – bezplatný program profesního rozvoje pro odborníky/pedagogy v raném dětství

                Přemysl Mikoláš: Tým okolo dítěte jako nástroj předcházení traumatickým vzpomínkám dítěte se zdravotním znevýhodněním a jeho rodinného systému

                14.00–14.45 keynote 2
                Robin McWilliam: Společné konzultace = spravedlnost, medicínský model = nespravedlnost


                Ana Maria Serrano & Noor van Loen: Příprava na zvuk jazzu…

                Kateřina Kotasová & Eva Černá: Homesharing a jeho význam pro osamostatňování dítěte i rodičů
                Snezana Ilic: Změna paradigmatu v ECI – výzvy a budování mostů v Srbsku

                Manfred Pretis: Mezinárodní klasifikace funkčních schopností, zdraví a postižení (ICF) jako společný jazyk pro odborníky a rodiče v rané péči

                17.00–18.30 Valné shromáždění EURLYAID


                Pondělí 15.5. Sál BELVEDER

                diskusní panel Každý den se počítá, téma včasnost a dostupnost rané péče pro rodiny s dětmi s těžkým onemocněním či postižením v České republice, ve spolupráci s UNICEF

                14.00–14.45 workshop pro rodiče na téma návrat do práce, CPL Jobs

                15.15–16.45 Denise Luscombe: Terapie během spánku, workshop (nejen) pro rodiče


                Úterý 16.5. Sál PRAHA

                9.00–9.45 keynote 3
                Tim Moore: Vytváření základních podmínek péče pro děti a rodiny, aby vzkvétaly – role intervenčních služeb v raném dětství

                9.45–10.30 keynote 4
                Marilyn Espe-Sherwindt: Cítila jsem se sama


                Jitka Barlová: Sourozenci dětí s postižením či závažným onemocněním

                Eliška Antošová: Dilemata péče o děti s PAS pohledem rodiče a psychologa
                Veronika Němečková: Podpora pozitivního chování v praxi rané péče
                Lenka Koubková & Pavla Matyášová: Souběh rané a paliativní péče u dítěte s život limitující diagnózou


                Kateřina Matějová: Spolupráce rané péče s neonatologickým oddělením
                Petra Navrátilová & Petra Hálková: Včasná podpora zraku – základní předpoklad správného vývoje novorozence a kojence
                Halka Tytykalová: Včasná intervencia v rodinách s deťmi s CVI
                Magdaléna Kostelecká & Markéta Skalická: Různorodost podpory rodin v rámci rané péče


                Anna Kučerová & Martina Péčová: Nástroje poradce rané péče v sociální práci s rodinami dětí se sluchovou vadou v České republice
                Barbora Křižanová: 8000 důvodů – iniciativa Nadace J&T
                Jana Čelůstková & Bohumila Linzerová: Svépomocná rodičovská skupina


                Úterý 16.5. Sál BELVEDER

                Sekce dětské paliativní péče

                Ivana Plechatá & Barbora Červíčková: Zdravotně respitní péče – proč ji tolik potřebují vážně nemocné děti a jejich rodiny
                Jan Hálek: Centrum komplexní péče pro děti se závažným onemocněním a telemedicína
                Monika Marková: Podpora rodiny dítěte s paliativními potřebami
                Sylvie Stretti: Terapeutická práce s pozůstalými v rámci nemocniční paliativní péče ve Fakultní nemocnici v Motole
                Jakub Formánek: Spirituální péče v dětské paliativní medicíně


                Mahulena Exnerová: Spolupráce a možnosti poskytovatelů specializované paliativní péče
                Pavel Rozsíval: Spolupráce s různými poskytovateli zdravotní péče při dlouhodobé paliativní péči –naše zkušenosti
                Irena Lintnerová: Spolupráce mezi sociálními a zdravotnickými službami
                Jolana Kopejsková & Lenka Kohoutková: Na společné cestě
                Kateřina Konopásková: Role praktického lékaře pro děti a dorost v paliativní péči


                Erika Tichá & Vladislav Matej: Slovensko na ceste k medzirezortnej spolupráci v podpore rodín s deťmi so znevýhodnením v ranom detstve
                Ana Validžić Požgaj & Snježana Seitz: Rozvoj transdisciplinárního přístupu – kde jsme nyní?
                Aleksandra Karovska Ristovska & Kristel Diehl & Emily Vargas-Barón: Analýza situace v Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) v Severní Makedonii

                Please see the active links below for presentations by speakers who have agreed to publish them:


                Monday, May 15th Conference hall PRAGUE

                9.00–10.00 opening, Jitka Barlová (Společnost pro ranou péči),
                Ana Maria Serrano (EURLYAID) and others

                10.00–10.45 keynote 1
                Michael Guralnick: Preschool inclusion and children’s peer relationships


                Ena Heimdahl & Christina Haulrich Klausen: Building bridges between parents and
                professionals – a book project that wasn’t easy

                14.00–14.45 keynote 2
                Robin McWilliam: Collaborative consultation = equity; Medical model = inequity


                Ana Maria Serrano & Noor van Loen: Preparing for the sound bit of jazz…

                Kateřina Kotasová & Eva Černá: Homesharing and its importance for the independence of the child and parents
                Snezana Ilic: A paradigm shift in ECI – challenges and building bridges in Serbia
                Manfred Pretis: The International Classification of Functioning, Health and Disability (ICF) as a common language for professionals and parents in ECI

                17.00–18.30 EURLYAID General Assembly

                Monday, May 15th Conference hall BELVEDERE


                panel discussion Every day counts, topic: the (non)availability of ECI services for families of children with severe illness or disability in the Czech Republic, in cooperation with UNICEF


                CPL Jobs: Back to work, workshop for parents


                Denise Luscombe: Therapy while you sleep, workshop (not only) for parents

                Tuesday, May 16th Conference hall PRAGUE

                9.00–9.45 keynote 3
                Tim Moore: Creating the core care conditions for children and families to flourish: The role of ECI services

                9.45–10.30 keynote 4
                Marilyn Espe-Sherwindt: I felt alone


                Jitka Barlová: Siblings of children with disabilities or serious illnesses

                Eliška Antošová: Dilemmas of caring for children with ASD from the perspective of a parent anda psychologist
                Veronika Němečková: Promoting positive behaviour in early intervention practice
                Lenka Koubková & Pavla Matyášová: Concurrence of ECI and palliave care for a child with a lifelimiting diagnosis


                Kateřina Matějová: Cooperation of the neonatology department and ECI
                Petra Navrátilová & Petra Hálková: Early vision support – a basic prerequisite for the proper development of newborns and infants
                Halka Tytykalová: Early intervention in families with children with CVI
                Magdaléna Kostelecká & Markéta Skalická: Diversity of support for families in early intervention


                Anna Kučerová & Martina Péčová: Tools of the ECI specialist in social work with families of children with hearing impairment in the Czech Republic
                Barbora Křižanová: 8 000 reasons – an initiative of the J&T Foundation
                Jana Čelůstková & Bohumila Linzerová: Self-help parenting group

                Tuesday, May 16th Conference hall BELVEDERE

                Children palliative care section


                Ivana Plechatá & Barbora Červíčková: Medical Respite Care – why is it a necessity for seriously ill children and their families?
                Jan Hálek: Comprehensive care center for children with serious illnesses and telemedicine
                Monika Marková: Supporting the family of a child with palliative needs
                Sylvie Stretti: Bereavement care offered by the Pediatric Supportive Care Team in University Hospital Motol, Prague
                Jakub Formánek: Spiritual care in pediatric palliative medicine


                Mahulena Exnerová: Cooperation and possibilities of specialized palliative care providers
                Pavel Rozsíval: Cooperating with various healthcare providers during long-term palliative care –our experience
                Irena Lintnerová: Cooperation between social and health services
                Jolana Kopejsková & Lenka Kohoutková: On the road together
                Kateřina Konopásková: The role of the general practitioner for children and adolescents inpalliative care


                Erika Tichá & Vladislav Matej: Slovakia on the way to interdepartmental cooperation in supportingfamilies with children with disabilities in early childhood
                Ana Validžić Požgaj & Snježana Seitz: Development of transdisciplinary approach – where are we now?
                Aleksandra Karovska Ristovska & Kristel Diehl & Emily Vargas-Barón: Situation analysis on ECI in the Republic of North Macedonia

                Keynote Speakers

                Michael J. Guralnick

                University of Washington

                Preschool inclusion and children's peer relationships

                  Tim Moore

                  The Royal Children´s Hospital, Melbourne

                  Creating the core care conditions for children and families to flourish: The role of ECI

                    Marilyn Espe-Sherwindt

                    Consultant for EURLYAID and for Ohio’s Project TREES

                    I felt alone

                      Robin McWilliam

                      Alabama University

                      Collaborative consultation = equity; Medical model = inequity


                        Ena Heimdahl & Christina Haulrich Klausen

                        MA Statped Dept. of Complex Learning Difficulties Div. for ECEC Norway & mother of Bjørg with Down Syndrome

                        Building bridges between parents and professionals - A book project that wasn’t easy

                          Pau Garcia & Margarita Cañadas

                          Catholic University of Valencia, Spain

                          Parent experience with early intervention

                            Barbora Křižanová

                            Project manager of the J&T Foundation

                            8000 reasons

                              Petra Hálková & Petra Navrátilová

                              Methodologist & Instructor of visual stimulation

                              Early vision support – basic prerequisites for the proper development of newborns and infants.

                                Pavla Matyášová & Lenka Koubková

                                Statutory representative and Společnost pro ranou péči director of the branch & Early intervention counselor, methodologist

                                Concurrence of early intervention and palliative care in a child with a life-limiting diagnosis

                                  Ivana Plechatá & Barbora Červíčková

                                  director Nadace rodiny Vlčkových & Medical Advisor Nadace and head physician

                                  Medical Respite Care – why is it a necessity for seriously ill children and their families?

                                    Veronika Němečková

                                    Early intervention counselor & Methodologist for working with children with ASD, Společnost pro ranou péči

                                    Promoting positive behavior in early intervention practice

                                      Pavel Rozsíval

                                      Energeia o.p.s.

                                      Cooperating with various healthcare providers during long-term palliative care - our experience

                                        Jana Čelůstková & Bohumila Linzerová

                                        Early intervention center EDUCO Zlín z. s.

                                        Self-help parenting group

                                          Eliška Antošová


                                          Dilemmas of caring for children with ASD from the perspective of a parent and a psychologist

                                            Anna Kučerová & Martina Péčová

                                            Head of the Social Service, Centrum pro dětský sluch Tamtam & Head of the Social Service, Centrum pro dětský sluch Tamtam

                                            Tools of the early care counselor in social work with families of children with hearing impairment in the Czech Republic

                                              Kateřina Matějová

                                              doctor, Neonatology Department of the Hospital České Budějovice a.s.

                                              Cooperation with the neonatology department and ECI

                                                Sylvie Stretti

                                                Supportive Care Team in University Hospital Motol, Prague

                                                Bereavement care offered by the Pediatric Supportive Care Team in University Hospital Motol, Prague

                                                  Jakub Formánek

                                                  Supportive Care Team in University Hospital Motol, Prague

                                                  Spiritual care in pediatric palliative medicine

                                                    Anna Kukuruza

                                                    CF Early Intervention Institute, Institute for Children and Adolescent Health Protection NAMS, Ukraine

                                                    RESILIENCE of ECI: LESSONS of War

                                                      Ana Validžić Požgaj

                                                      EI programm coordinator, Postgraduate EI specialist, Day care centre Mali dom Zagreb

                                                      Development of transdisciplinary approach – where are we now?

                                                        Kateřina Konopásková


                                                        The role of the general practitioner for children and adolescents in palliative care

                                                          Jan Hálek

                                                          Pediatrician - University hospital Olomouc

                                                          Comprehensive care center for children with serious illnesses and telemedicine

                                                            Magdaléna Kostelecká & Markéta Skalická

                                                            Early childhood intervention counselor & Vision therapist, visual development methodologist

                                                            Diversity of support for families in early intervention

                                                              Monika Marková

                                                              Director, Hospic sv. Štěpána, z.s., chairwoman Fórum mobilních hospiců, z.s.

                                                                Kateřina Kotasová & Eva Černá

                                                                Program Manager of the Abakus foundation & Homesharing coordinator of the Rodinné Integrační centrum z.s. (Family Integration Centre)

                                                                Homesharing and its importance for the independence of the child and parents

                                                                  Mahulena Exnerová

                                                                  Head of the Paediatric Ward and Paediatric long-term intensive care unit, NH Hospital Inc., Hořovice, Czech Republic

                                                                  Cooperation and possibilities of providers of specialized palliative care

                                                                    Irena Lintnerová

                                                                    company director, statutory representative

                                                                    Cooperation between social and health services

                                                                      Denise Luscombe

                                                                      Paediatric Physiotherapist

                                                                      Therapy while you sleep!

                                                                        Erika Tichá & Vladislav Matej

                                                                        Socia Foundation

                                                                        Slovakia on the way to interdepartmental cooperation in supporting families with children with disabilities in early childhoo

                                                                          Ana Maria Serrano & Noor van Loen

                                                                          Associate Professor - Institute of Education (IE), integrated researcher at the Center of Research in Child Studies (CIEC), University of Minho, Portugal & EURLYAID treasurer

                                                                          Preparing for the sound bit of Jazz…

                                                                            Halka Tytykalová

                                                                            Special education teacher, therapist

                                                                            Early Intervention in Families with Children with CVI

                                                                              Přemysl Mikoláš

                                                                              psychologist and psychotherapist

                                                                              The team around the child (TOD) - as a tool for preventing traumatic memories of a child with a medical disadvantage and his

                                                                                Aleksandra Karovska Ristovska

                                                                                Associate professor, PhD Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation @ Faculty of Philosophy

                                                                                Situation Analysis on Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) in the Republic of North Macedonia

                                                                                  Lenka Kohoutková & Jolana Kopejsková

                                                                                  Centrum provázení, FN Hradec Králové & Raná péče, Kolpingova rodina Smečno

                                                                                  On the road together

                                                                                    Ibrahim H. Diken

                                                                                    Director, Research Institute for Individuals with Disabilities Professor of Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Anadolu University, Eskisehir, TURKEY

                                                                                    Naturalistic Teaching Process for Inclusive Education: A Free of Access Professional Development Program for Early Childhoo

                                                                                      Snezana Ilic

                                                                                      University of Belgrade

                                                                                      A paradigm shift in ECI - challenges and building bridges in Serbia

                                                                                        Manfred Pretis

                                                                                        Medical School Hamburg

                                                                                        The International Classification of Functionning, Health and Disability (ICF) as a common language for professionals and pare

                                                                                          Honoured guests

                                                                                          Anna and Ondřej Lundákovi

                                                                                          Vincent - jeden ze dvou

                                                                                            Vojtech Regec

                                                                                            Dean Palacký University Olomouc

                                                                                              More information


                                                                                              Scientific committee

                                                                                              Head of the Scientific committee

                                                                                              Jitka Barlová, Ph.D.
                                                                                              Director of the Association for Early Childhood Intervention, Karlovy Vary branch, EURLYAID board member, external teacher Charles University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Special Education

                                                                                              Scientific committee members:

                                                                                              Professor Ana Serrano, Ph.D.
                                                                                              Professor at the Institute of Education, University of Minho; Researcher at CIEd (Research Center on Education), president of EURLYAID

                                                                                              Associate Professor Marga Canadas, Ph.D.
                                                                                              Universidad Catholica de Valencia, Eurlyaid board member

                                                                                              Associate Professor, Lea Květoňová, Ph.D.
                                                                                              Head of the Department of Special Education, Faculty of Pedagogy, Charles University

                                                                                              Associate Professor Snezana Ilic, Ph.D.
                                                                                              The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, EURLYAID board member

                                                                                              Mahulena Exnerová, M.D.
                                                                                              Head of the Children's Department and DIOP Hospital Hořovice

                                                                                              Associate Professor Radka Bužgová, Ph.D.
                                                                                              University of Ostrava, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Nursing and Midwifery and Center for Nursing Research

                                                                                              Petra Samcová, Ph.D.
                                                                                              Association for Early Childhood Intervention, České Budějovice branch


                                                                                              Užijte si konferenci v jednom z nejkrásnějších měst světa

                                                                                              Praha je nazývána srdcem Evropy. A jakmile do ní zavítáte, můžete si být jisti, že si svou krásou získá i vaše srdce. Historické centrum města je zapsáno na seznamu světového dědictví UNESCO, a proto určitě stojí za to vyhradit si během konferenční návštěvy Prahy pár chvil na procházku malebnými uličkami Starého Města, přes Karlův most, pokochat se nádhernými výhledy z Pražského hradu. Mimochodem: kromě toho, že Praha je město stovky věží, je to také město mostů. Můžete jich zde napočítat přes třicet. Konference rané péče, jejímž tématem je právě budování mostů mezi obory, si tak pro své konání nemohla přát lepší místo.

                                                                                              Enjoy the conference in one of the most beautiful cities in the world

                                                                                              Prague is known as the heart of Europe. And as soon as you visit, you can be sure that it will win your heart with its beauty. The city’s historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so it’s definitely worth setting aside a few moments during your trip to walk through the picturesque streets of the Old Town and across the Charles Bridge, and enjoy the wonderful views from Prague Castle. Incidentally, besides being the “City of a Hundred Spires”, Prague is also a city of bridges – indeed you can count over 30 of them. So this year’s early childhood intervention conference, whose theme is building bridges between disciplines, could not have asked for a more ideal location.

                                                                                              Exclusive offer

                                                                                              PRAGUE MARRIOTT HOTEL

                                                                                              V Celnici 8, Praha, Česká republika

                                                                                              Web: HOTEL MARRIOTT

                                                                                              Služby pro VIP hosty konference zajišťuje sponzorsky Prague Marriott Hotel.

                                                                                              NABÍDKA UBYTOVÁNÍ ZA ZVÝHODNĚNOU CENU PRO ÚČASTNÍKY KONFERENCE

                                                                                              PRAGUE MARRIOTT HOTEL

                                                                                              V Celnici 8, Prague, Czech Republic

                                                                                              Web: HOTEL MARRIOTT

                                                                                              Services for VIP guests of the conference are provided by the Prague Marriott Hotel as a sponsor.

                                                                                              SPECIAL OFFER FOR CONFERENCE PARTICIPANTS

                                                                                              HOTEL AVION

                                                                                              Kladenská 96/115, Praha 6, Česká republika


                                                                                              Web: HOTEL AVION

                                                                                              VIENNA HOUSE DIPLOMAT PRAGUE

                                                                                              Evropská 15, 16041 Prague, Czech republic


                                                                                              "Early Childhood Intervention is the different types of parenting supports provided by early childhood practitioners and other social network members, that provide parents the time, energy, knowledge and skills, to engage their children in everyday child learning opportunities, that promote and enhance both child and parent confidence and competence.”

                                                                                              Dunst, 2000, 2007a, 2017; Dunst & Espe-Sherwindt, 2017

                                                                                              Presentations from well-known national and international representatives will focus on these key concepts. Part of the conference is the seminar "Cooperation and possibilities of providers of pediatric palliative care"

                                                                                              Day 1:
                                                                                              08.00 - 09:00 Registration
                                                                                              09.00 - 10.00 Opening
                                                                                              10.00 - 10.45 Keynote 1. Michel Guralnick, Preschool inclusion and children's peer relationships
                                                                                              10.45 - 11.15 Coffee break
                                                                                              11.15- 12.30 Discussion panel. Representatives from ministries Czech Republic, EURLYAID,
                                                                                              representatives of parents and providers
                                                                                              12.30 - 14.00 Lunch
                                                                                              14.00 - 14.45 Keynote 2. Robin McWilliams, Collaborative consultation = equity; Medical model = inequity
                                                                                              14.45 - 15.15 Coffee break
                                                                                              15.15 - 16.45 block of 4 lectures and discussion
                                                                                              16.45 - 17.15 Discussion Break
                                                                                              17.15 - 18.45 Eurlyaid General Assembly
                                                                                              20.00 Meet and Greet, dinner

                                                                                              Day 2:
                                                                                              9.00 -09.45 Keynote 3. Tim Moore, Creating the core care conditions for children and families to flourish:
                                                                                              The role of ECI
                                                                                              09.45 -10.30 Keynote 4. Marylin Espe -Sherwind
                                                                                              10.30 -11.00 Coffee break
                                                                                              11.00 - 12.30 block of 4 lectures and discussion/ 2 lecture halls
                                                                                              12.30 - 14.00 Lunch
                                                                                              14.00 - 15.15 block of 4 lectures and discussion/ 2 lecture halls
                                                                                              15.15 -15.45 Coffee break
                                                                                              15.45 -17.00 block of 4 lectures and discussion/ 2 lecture halls
                                                                                              17.00 - 18.00 Conclusions and closing ceremony

                                                                                              08.00 – 09.00

                                                                                              Jitka Barlová, Společnost pro ranou péči
                                                                                              Ana Maria Serrano, EURLYAID a další hosté

                                                                                              Předškolní inkluze a vrstevnické vztahy dětí

                                                                                              Dětské vrstevnické vztahy a přátelství mají důležitou vývojovou funkci. Ovlivňují kognitivní, komunikativní, emoční regulaci a prosociální oblasti vývoje. V této prezentaci zkoumám charakteristiky vrstevnické, sociální kompetence dětí, roli zkušenosti z inkluzivních předškolních programů ve vztahu k interakcím s vrstevníky a implementaci komplexních intervencí ke zlepšení základních rysů sociální hry dětí s vrstevníky pro předškolní věkovou skupinu dětí s vývojovým opožděním a postižením. Je zdůrazněn systémový přístup v rámci širší společenské perspektivy aby byl využit jako rámec pro budoucí práci.

                                                                                              10.45 – 11.15

                                                                                              Ena Heimdahl &Christina Haulrich Klausen: Budování mostů mezi rodiči a odborníky, knižní projekt, který nebyl snadný
                                                                                              Anna Kukuruza: Odolnost rané péče, válečné lekce z Ukrajiny
                                                                                              Ibrahim H. Diken: Naturalistický vyučovací proces pro inkluzivní vzdělávání – bezplatný program profesního rozvoje pro odborníky/pedagogy v oblasti raného dětství
                                                                                              Přemysl Mikoláš: Tým okolo dítěte jako nástroj předcházení traumatickým vzpomínkám dítěte se zdravotním znevýhodněním a jeho rodinného systému

                                                                                              12.30 – 14.00

                                                                                              Společné konzultace = rovnost
                                                                                              Lékařský model = nerovnost

                                                                                              Jak pracují odborníci v oblasti rané péče (od narození do 5 let) s rodinami a dalšími pečovateli, jako jsou učitelé? V tomto příspěvku navrhujeme, aby způsob, jakým odborníci mluví, jednají a identifikují sami sebe, měl vliv na jejich postoj vůči pečujícím osobám. Podíváme se na ovlivňující faktory a poté na dopady na rovnost. Vzhledem k tomu, že většina pracovníků rané péče od narození do 5 let v USA a v Evropě jsou běloši, avšak rodiny a učitelé představují různé rasy a etnické skupiny, je nebezpečí systémového rasismu stále přítomno. Ve vztahu profesionál-pečovatel, kdy první je odborníkem a druhý klientem, je riziko posilování rasismu a kolonialismu reálné.

                                                                                              14.45 – 15.15

                                                                                              Ana Serrano & Noor van Loen: Příprava na zvuk jazzu…
                                                                                              Kateřina Kotasová & Eva Černá: Homesharing a jeho význam pro osamostatňování dítěte i rodičů
                                                                                              Snezana Ilic: Změna paradigmatu v ECI – výzvy a budování mostů v Srbsku
                                                                                              Manfred Pretis: Mezinárodní klasifikace funkčních schopností, zdraví a postižení (ICF) jako společný jazyk pro odborníky a rodiče v rané péči

                                                                                              16.45 – 17.00
                                                                                              Přestávka na diskusi
                                                                                              17.00 – 18.30
                                                                                              Valné shromáždění EURLYAID
                                                                                              19.00 - 22.00
                                                                                              Konferenční večírek, restaurace Loreta, pro přihlášené

                                                                                              Diskusní panel

                                                                                              Název: Každý den se počítá

                                                                                              Hlavním tématem diskusního panelu bude včasnost a dostupnost služby rané péče pro rodiny s dětmi s těžkým onemocněním či postižením v České republice. Jsme přesvědčeni, že k tomu, aby tyto služby rodiny získaly už v prvních kritických týdnech života dítěte, je nezbytná nejen intenzivní spolupráce s pediatry a dalšími zdravotnickými profesionály, ale především dostupnost a dostatečná kapacita těchto služeb.

                                                                                              V diskusi budeme společně hledat možnosti zefektivnění současného systému a zajištění co nejvčasnější podpory rodin pečujících o dítě se závažnou diagnózou či s postižením v České republice.

                                                                                              Diskusním panel pořádáme ve spolupráci s organizací UNICEF.

                                                                                              Pozvaní hosté:

                                                                                              • Václav Pláteník, náměstek ministra zdravotnictví
                                                                                              • Šárka Jelínková, náměstkyně ministra práce a sociálních věcí
                                                                                              • Klára Šimáčková Laurenčíková, zmocněnkyně pro lidská práva, náměstkyně ministra pro evropské záležitosti
                                                                                              • Yulia Oleinik, vedoucí kanceláře UNICEF pro podporu řešení uprchlické situace v České republice
                                                                                              • Ana Maria Serrano, předsedkyně rady Evropské asociace rané péče EURLYAID
                                                                                              • Maria Inês Amaro, profesorka na ISCTE – University Institute in Lisbon, koordinátorka národního portugalského systému rané péče (SNIPI)
                                                                                              • Mahulena Exnerová, předsedkyně Sekce dětské paliativní péče, primářka Dětského oddělení a Oddělení dlouhodobé intenzivní ošetřovatelské péče v Nemocnici Hořovice
                                                                                              • Martina Břeňová, členka Rady vlády pro nestátní neziskové organizace, výkonná ředitelka Nadace OSF
                                                                                              • Terezie Hradilková, členka Vládního výboru pro osoby se zdravotním postižením, předsedkyně Jednoty pro deinstitucionalizaci
                                                                                              • Jitka Barlová, ředitelka Společnosti pro ranou péči, pobočka Karlovy Vary, a členka rady Evropské asociace rané péče EURLYAID
                                                                                              • Pavla Matyášová, ředitelka Společnosti pro ranou péči, pobočka Olomouc pro rodinu
                                                                                              • Anna Lundáková, zástupkyně rodičů

                                                                                              12:35 - 13.00
                                                                                              Tisková konference
                                                                                              12.45 - 14.00

                                                                                              Personální agentura CPL Jobs připravila krátkou prezentaci na téma “Návrat do práce” s tipy, jak správně napsat profesní životopis, jak efektivně využívat pracovní portály a sociální sítě při hledání práce a jak se připravit na samotný pohovor. Specialisté z CPL Jobs budou k dispozici také pro osobní konzultace.

                                                                                              14.45 - 15.15

                                                                                              Workshop bude zaměřen na podporu dítěte v ležící poloze. Zveme rodiče k aktivní účasti a doporučujeme vzít s sebou fotky pozice dítěte ve spánku. Paní Luscombe je ochotná na místě i individuálně konzultovat. Rodiče se dozví praktické informace, jak podpořit správné polohy dítěte s motorickým omezením. Vítáni jsou i kolegové fyzioterapeuti. Podívejte se na video k tématu níže:

                                                                                              Kompletní program posterové sekce naleznete zde.

                                                                                              Zdislava Odstrčilová, náměstkyně ministra práce a sociálních věcí ČR

                                                                                              Vytváření základních podmínek péče pro děti a rodiny, aby vzkvétaly: Role intervenčních služeb v raném dětství

                                                                                              Naše zdraví a blahobyt jsou utvářeny podmínkami – sociálními, fyzickými, materiálními a kulturními – ve kterých žijeme. Tyto faktory mají větší vliv na výsledky než služby, které dostáváme. Tato prezentace nastiňuje základní podmínky péče, které děti a rodiny potřebují k rozkvětu. Zkoumá role, které mohou intervenující služby v raném dětství hrát při z plnění těchto podmínek. Jednou z nejdůležitějších podmínek je potřeba pozitivních vztahů. To je samozřejmě zásadní pro malé děti, které potřebují citlivou péči, aby si vytvořily bezpečné vazby, ale je to důležité také pro jejich rodiče a také pro odborníky. Tato potřeba pozitivních vztahů je základní součástí naší neurobiologie a formuje naši pohodu po celý život.

                                                                                              Zkoumáme důsledky těchto poznatků pro služby v raném dětství. Potřeba pozitivních vztahů utváří, co a jak poskytujeme. Pomáháme rodinám budovat pozitivní vztahy. Vztahy, které rozvíjíme s rodiči, jsou zásadní pro efektivitu naší práce. Zaměření na širší základní podmínky péče o děti a rodiny podtrhuje skutečnost, že samostatné systémy služeb rané péče budou vždy mít potíže s uspokojením všech různorodých potřeb rodin. Musí být začleněny do komplexního a inkluzivního systému služeb včasné intervence, který všem rodinám poskytne podmínky, které potřebují k výchově svých dětí, jak by si oni (a my) přáli, a také snadný přístup ke službám, které ony a jejich děti potřebují. Služby rané péče musí budovat mosty s těmito dalšími odborníky a službami. Klíčem jsou opět pozitivní vztahy.

                                                                                              Cítila jsem se sama

                                                                                              Rodiny nám říkají, že mít dítě s opožděním nebo postižením může být někdy velmi osamělá cesta. Jak na to reagujeme my, poskytovatelé rané péče? Jaký význam mají ostatní členové sociální sítě rodiny? Jak spolupracovat, aby (1) rodiče měli čas, energii, znalosti a dovednosti zapojit své děti do každodenních vzdělávacích příležitostí a (2) rodiče odcházeli z rané intervence posíleni, podpořeni a s větší nadějí do budoucna?

                                                                                              10.30 – 11.00

                                                                                              Pau García & Margarita Cañadas: Zkušenosti rodičů s ranou intervencí
                                                                                              Eliška Antošová: Dilemata péče o děti s PAS pohledem rodiče a psychologa
                                                                                              Veronika Němečková: Podpora pozitivního chování v praxi rané péče
                                                                                              Lenka Koubková & Pavla Matyášová: Souběh rané a paliativní péče u dítěte s život limitující

                                                                                              12:30 – 14:00

                                                                                              Kateřina Matějová: Spolupráce rané péče s neonatologickým oddělením
                                                                                              Petra Hálková & Petra Navrátilová: Včasná podpora zraku – základní předpoklad správného vývoje novorozence a kojence
                                                                                              Halka Tytykalová: Včasná intervencia v rodinách s deťmi s CVI
                                                                                              Magdaléna Kostelecká & Markéta Skalická: Různorodost podpory rodin v rámci rané péče

                                                                                              15.15 – 15.45

                                                                                              Anna Kučerová & Martina Péčová: Nástroje poradce rané péče v sociální práci s rodinami dětí se sluchovou vadou v České republice
                                                                                              Barbora Křižanová: 8 000 důvodů – iniciativa Nadace J&T
                                                                                              Jana Čelůstková & Bohumila Linzerová: Svépomocná rodičovská skupina

                                                                                              16.50 - 17.15
                                                                                              Ukončení konference

                                                                                              Ivana Plechatá & Barbora Červíčková: Zdravotně respitní péče – proč ji tolik potřebují vážně nemocné děti a jejich rodiny
                                                                                              Jan Hálek: Centrum komplexní péče pro děti se závažným onemocněním a telemedicína
                                                                                              Monika Marková: Podpora rodiny dítěte s paliativními potřebami
                                                                                              Sylvie Stretti: Terapeutická práce s pozůstalými v rámci nemocniční paliativní péče ve Fakultní nemocnici v Motole
                                                                                              Jakub Formánek: Spirituální péče v dětské paliativní medicíně

                                                                                              12.30 - 14.00

                                                                                              Mahulena Exnerová: Spolupráce a možnosti poskytovatelů specializované paliativní péče
                                                                                              Pavel Rozsíval: Spolupráce s různými poskytovateli zdravotní péče při dlouhodobé paliativní péči – naše zkušenosti
                                                                                              Irena Lintnerová: Spolupráce mezi sociálními a zdravotnickými službami
                                                                                              Jolana Kopejsková & Lenka Kohoutková: Na společné cestě
                                                                                              Kateřina Konopásková: Role praktického lékaře pro děti a dorost v paliativní péči

                                                                                              15.30 - 15.45

                                                                                              Erika Tichá & Vladislav Matej: Slovensko na ceste k medzirezortnej spolupráci v podpore rodín s deťmi so znevýhodnením v ranom detstve
                                                                                              Ana Validžić Požgaj & Snježana Seitz: Rozvoj transdisciplinárního přístupu – kde jsme nyní?
                                                                                              Aleksandra Karovska Ristovska & Kristel Diehl & Emily Vargas-Barón: Analýza situace v rané péči v Severní Makedonii

                                                                                              16.50 - 17.15
                                                                                              Závěr konference

                                                                                              Kompletní program posterové sekce naleznete zde.

                                                                                              Kompletní program posterové sekce naleznete zde.

                                                                                              Kompletní program posterové sekce naleznete zde.

                                                                                              8.00 - 9.00

                                                                                              Jitka Barlová, Společnost pro ranou péči
                                                                                              Ana Maria Serrano, EURLYAID and others

                                                                                              Preschool Inclusion and Children’s Peer Relationships

                                                                                              Children’s peer relationships and friendships serve important developmental functions, influencing cognitive, communicative, emotion regulation, and prosocial domains of development. In this presentation, I examine the characteristics of children’s peer-related social competence, the role of experiences in inclusive preschool programs in relation to interactions with peers, and the implementation of comprehensive interventions to enhance core features of children’s social play with peers for preschool age children with developmental delays and disabilities. A systems approach within a larger societal perspective is emphasized and utilized as a framework for future work.

                                                                                              10.45 - 11.15
                                                                                              Coffee break

                                                                                              Ena Heimdahl & Christina Haulrich Klausen: Building bridges between parents and professionals – a book project that wasn’t easy
                                                                                              Anna Kukuruza: Resilience of ECI – lessons of war from Ukraine
                                                                                              Ibrahim H. Diken: Naturalistic teaching process for inclusive education: a free of access professional development program for early childhood professionals/educators
                                                                                              Přemysl Mikoláš: The team around the child – as a tool for preventing traumatic memories of a
                                                                                              child with a medical disadvantage and his family system

                                                                                              12.30 - 14.00

                                                                                              Collaborative consultation = equity
                                                                                              Medical model = inequity

                                                                                              How do early intervention (birth-5) professionals work with families and other caregivers, such as teachers? This session proposes that the way professionals talk, do, and identify themselves can have an impact on their stance vis-à-vis caregivers. We look at influencing factors and then at impacts on equity. With most early intervention birth-5 in the U.S. and Europe being white, yet families and teachers representing a diversity of races and ethnic backgrounds, the danger of systemic racism is always present. In the professional-caregiver relationship, with the former an expert and the latter a client, the risk of reinforcing racism and colonialism is real. We posit that credentials can create inequality. It is time for early interventionists birth-5 to attend to the science and art of collaborative consultation, building up the caregiver. The evidence supporting equitable caregiver-professional interactions comes from such fields as educational leadership, social justice, and social support.

                                                                                              14.45 - 15.15
                                                                                              Coffee break

                                                                                              Ana Maria Serrano & Noor van Loen: Preparing for the sound bit of jazz…
                                                                                              Kateřina Kotasová & Eva Černá: Homesharing and its importance for the independence of the child and parents
                                                                                              Snezana Ilic: A paradigm shift in ECI – challenges and building bridges in Serbia
                                                                                              Manfred Pretis: The International Classification of Functioning, Health and Disability (ICF) as a common language for professionals and parents in ECI

                                                                                              16.45 - 17.00
                                                                                              17.00 - 18.30
                                                                                              General Assembly EURLYAID
                                                                                              19.00 - 22.00
                                                                                              Conference party, restaurant Loreta
                                                                                              10.45 - 11.15
                                                                                              Coffee break

                                                                                              The main topic of the panel discussion will be the timeliness and availability of early intervention services for families of children with severe illnesses or disabilities in the Czech Republic. We are convinced that to secure the availability of the services for the families in the first critical weeks of a child’s life, not only an intensive cooperation with pediatricians and other health professionals, but most important the availability and sufficient capacity of these services is needed.

                                                                                              Together we will look for ways to make the current system more efficient and ensure as early as possible support for families caring for a child with a serious diagnosis or disability in the Czech Republic.

                                                                                              The discussion panel is organized in cooperation with UNICEF.

                                                                                              Participating guests:

                                                                                              • Václav Pláteník, Deputy Minister for Health
                                                                                              • Šárka Jelínková, Deputy Minister for Labour and Social Affairs
                                                                                              • Klára Šimáčková Laurenčíková, Commissioner for Human Rights and Deputy Minister for European Affairs
                                                                                              • Yulia Oleinik, Head of UNICEF Refugee Response Office in the Czech Republic
                                                                                              • Ana Maria Serrano, Chairwoman of the Council of the European Early Childhood Intervention Association EURLYAID
                                                                                              • Maria Inês Amaro, PhD Professor at ISCTE – University Institute in Lisbon, Coordinator of the Portuguese National ECI System (SNIPI)
                                                                                              • Mahulena Exnerová, Chairwoman of the Children’s Palliative Care Section, Head of the Children’s Department and the Department of Long-Term Intensive Nursing Care at Hořovice Hospital
                                                                                              • Martina Břeňová, member of the Government Council for non-state non-profit organizations, executive director of the OSF Foundation
                                                                                              • Terezie Hradilková, member of the Government Committee for Persons with Disabilities, Chairwoman Jednota pro deinstitucionalizaci (Unity for Deinstitutionalization)
                                                                                              • Jitka Barlová, Director of Společnost pro ranou péči, branch Karlovy Vary and Board Member of EURLYAID
                                                                                              • Pavla Matyášová, Director of Společnost pro ranou péči, branch Olomouc
                                                                                              • Anna Lundáková, parents’ representatives

                                                                                              12.35 - 13.00
                                                                                              Press conference
                                                                                              12.30 - 14.00

                                                                                              The personnel agency CPL Jobs prepared a short presentation on the topic “Return to work” with tips on how to write a professional CV correctly, how to effectively use job portals and social networks when looking for a job, and how to prepare for the interview itself. CPL recruiters will also be available for personal consultations.

                                                                                              14.45 - 15.15
                                                                                              Coffee break

                                                                                              The workshop will focus on supporting the child in a lying position. We invite parents to actively participate and recommend taking photos of the child’s sleeping position with you. Mrs. Luscombe is willing to consult on site and individually. Parents will learn practical information on how to support the correct positions of a child with motor limitations. Fellow physiotherapists are also welcome. Watch a video on the topic below:

                                                                                              The complete program of the poster section can be found here.

                                                                                              Zdislava Odstrčilová, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs

                                                                                              Creating the core care conditions for children and families to flourish: The role of early childhood intervention services

                                                                                              Our health and wellbeing are shaped by the conditions – social, physical, material and cultural – in which we live. These factors have a greater impact on outcomes than do the services we receive. This presentation outlines the core care conditions that children and families need to flourish and explores the roles that early childhood intervention services can play in helping ensure that these conditions are met. One of the most important of these conditions is the need for positive relationships. This is obviously critical for young children who need responsive caregiving to develop secure attachments, but it is also important for their parents and for professionals as well. This need for positive relationships is a fundamental part of our neurobiology and shapes our wellbeing throughout our lives.
                                                                                              The implications for early childhood intervention services of these findings are explored. Focusing on the need for positive relationships shapes both what we deliver (helping families build positive relationships) and how we deliver services (the relationships we develop with parents are central to the effectiveness of our work). Focusing on the wider core care conditions for children and families highlights the fact that stand-alone ECI service systems will always struggle to meet all the diverse needs of families. They need to be embedded in a comprehensive and inclusive ECD service system that provides all families with the conditions they need to raise their children as they (and we) would wish, as well as ready access to the services they and their children need. ECI services need to build bridges with these other professionals and services. Once again, positive relationships are the key.

                                                                                              I felt alone

                                                                                              Families tell us that having a child with a delay or disability can at times be a very lonely road to travel. How do we as early intervention providers respond? What is the importance of the other members of the family’s social network? How do we work together so that (1) parents have the time, energy, knowledge and skills to engage their children in everyday learning opportunities, and (2) parents leave early intervention feeling stronger, supported, and more hopeful about the future?

                                                                                              10.30 - 11.00
                                                                                              Coffee break

                                                                                              Pau García & Margarita Cañadas: Parent experience with early intervention
                                                                                              Eliška Antošová: Dilemmas of caring for children with ASD from the perspective of a parent and a psychologist
                                                                                              Veronika Němečková: Promoting positive behaviour in early intervention practice
                                                                                              Lenka Koubková & Pavla Matyášová: Concurrence of ECI and palliative care for a child with a life-limiting diagnosis

                                                                                              12.30 - 14.00

                                                                                              Kateřina Matějová: Cooperation of the neonatology department and ECI
                                                                                              Petra Hálková & Petra Navrátilová: Early vision support – a basic prerequisite for the proper development of newborns and infants
                                                                                              Halka Tytykalová: Early intervention in families with children with CVI
                                                                                              Magdaléna Kostelecká & Markéta Skalická: Diversity of support for families in early intervention

                                                                                              15.30 - 15.45
                                                                                              Coffee break

                                                                                              Anna Kučerová & Martina Péčová: Tools of the ECI specialist in social work with families of children with hearing impairment in the Czech Republic
                                                                                              Barbora Křižanová: 8 000 reasons – Initiative of the J&T Foundation
                                                                                              Jana Čelůstková & Bohumila Linzerová: Self-help parenting group

                                                                                              16.50 - 17.15
                                                                                              Conclusion of the conference
                                                                                              10.30 - 11.00
                                                                                              Coffee break

                                                                                              Ivana Plechatá & Barbora Červíčková: Medical Respite Care – why is it a necessity for seriously ill children and their families?
                                                                                              Jan Hálek: Comprehensive care center for children with serious ilnesses and telemedicine
                                                                                              Monika Marková: Supporting the family of a child with palliative needs
                                                                                              Sylvie Stretti: Bereavement care offered by the Pediatric Supportive Care Team in University Hospital Motol, Prague
                                                                                              Jakub Formánek: Spiritual care in pediatric palliative medicine

                                                                                              12.30 - 14.00

                                                                                              Mahulena Exnerová: Cooperation and possibilities of specialized palliative care providers
                                                                                              Pavel Rozsíval: Cooperating with various healthcare providers during long-term palliative care – our experience
                                                                                              Irena Lintnerová: Cooperation between social and health services
                                                                                              Jolana Kopejsková & Lenka Kohoutková: On the road together
                                                                                              Kateřina Konopásková: The role of the general practitioner for children and adolescents in palliative care

                                                                                              15.30 - 15:45
                                                                                              Coffee break

                                                                                              Erika Tichá & Vladislav Matej: Slovakia on the way to interdepartmental cooperation in supporting families of children with disabilities in early childhood
                                                                                              Ana Validžić Požgaj & Snježana Seitz: Development of transdisciplinary approach – where are we now?
                                                                                              Aleksandra Karovska Ristovska & Kristel Diehl & Emily Vargas-Barón: Situation Analysis on Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) in the Republic of North Macedonia

                                                                                              16.50 - 17.15
                                                                                              Conclusion of the conference

                                                                                              The complete program of the poster section can be found here.

                                                                                              The complete program of the poster section can be found here.

                                                                                              The complete program of the poster section can be found here.




                                                                                              SUCCESS STORIES

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                                                                                                Event tickets

                                                                                                Registration for the conference has been closed. If you are interested in attending the conference, please contact us by e-mail at:


                                                                                                what people say

                                                                                                Esse maxime tempore maiores laboriosam nobis, aut cum quidem est ab ipsam soluta voluptate totam quibusdam quo neque
                                                                                                AMY WHITEDesigner @ Tinterest
                                                                                                Illo repellat dolores laudantium quos, velit, reprehenderit veniam accusamus neque laboriosam tenetur aut quaerat, doloribus autem facere
                                                                                                MICHAEL DERILLCTO @ Flopbox
                                                                                                Recusandae minima similique rem. Neque quisquam, blanditiis cum, ex ullam obcaecati beatae nobis quos, officia rerum, exercitationem ducimus totam!
                                                                                                MIKE MEYERSProject Manager

                                                                                                CALL FOR POSTERS

                                                                                                Will be open from January 1, 2023

                                                                                                Na aktivních odkazech níže najdete všechny zaslané postery:

                                                                                                Group 1

                                                                                                On Monday, May 15, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

                                                                                                G1/1      Mónica Apablaza Aravena

                                                                                                Early inclusion: infant education for inclusion

                                                                                                G1/2      Julia Argente Tormo

                                                                                                Margarita Cañadas Perez, Christina Kasprzak, Gabriel Martinez Rico, Romulo Gonzales Perez

                                                                                                Adaptation of a self-assessment tool to evaluate the Early intervention systém in Spain

                                                                                                G1/3      Teresa Nunes Marques   Isabel Tomázio Correia

                                                                                                Julieta Duarte, Helena Neves

                                                                                                Portugal: Effects and Impact of ECI in the Lisbon metropolitan area

                                                                                                G1/4      María Laura Odero, Fassero, María Pia

                                                                                                Arancibia, Natalia; Puliafito, Cecilia; Garay, Andrea

                                                                                                Transformation project in Early care towards recommended practices in San Luis Province, Argentina

                                                                                                G1/5      Mónica Alonso Martín, Francisco Alberto García Sánchez

                                                                                                Claudia Tatiana Escorcia Mora

                                                                                                Questionnaire on Training needs regarding the professional competences of family-centred Early Childhood care speacialists.

                                                                                                G1/6      Patricia Carla de Souza Della Barba, Margarita Cañadas Perez

                                                                                                Evaluation of recommended practices in an Early Intervention Center in Spain

                                                                                                G1/7      Maria Inês Amaro, Barbara Menezes

                                                                                                Fátima Ramos, Florbela Valente, Graça Breia, José Boavida, Mª João Horta, Luisa  Barbeiro

                                                                                                Early Childhood Intervention in Portugal: a retrospective of an integrated and interdisciplinary system

                                                                                                G1/8      Rita Laranjeira, Ana Maria Serrano

                                                                                                Professionals and families perceptions about the use of Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-PT)

                                                                                                G1/9      Terézia Drdulová, Katarína Ondášová

                                                                                                Multi-IN World of children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus

                                                                                                G1/10    Kateřina Jírová

                                                                                                ECI Association Czech Republic

                                                                                                G1/11    Irena Assis dos Santos, Lucie Bartusková

                                                                                                We teach children to look

                                                                                                Group 2

                                                                                                On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.

                                                                                                G2/1      Valentina Martac, Vesna Vucinic

                                                                                                Marija Andjelkovic

                                                                                                Plan development for improving visual functioning in children with cerebral visual impairment and multiple disabilities – case study

                                                                                                G2/2      Teresa Nunes Marques, Helena Valente

                                                                                                Vera Rosa

                                                                                                We make ALL the difference in Intervention in the early years: a Case Study of ELI VFX/Lisbon Area

                                                                                                G2/3      Jelena Špionjak  Snježana Seitz

                                                                                                Ana Validžić Požgaj

                                                                                                Appropriate level of support in early age- from early assessment to early intervention

                                                                                                G2/4      Isabel Tomázio Correia, Gabriela Leite

                                                                                                Creative Partnershift – Family training spaces: Construction of a tactile illustrated book for Maria, a child with impaired vision

                                                                                                G2/5      Martina Papoušková, Marie Modlitbová

                                                                                                Connecting early intervention with neonatology

                                                                                                G2/6      Marharyta Chaika, Iryna Shulha

                                                                                                Kateryna Husak

                                                                                                Features of organizing an effective Parents’ Club in an Early Intervention Service in an emergency situation

                                                                                                G2/7      Romana Chalupová, David Najbrt

                                                                                                Pupa Explores the World

                                                                                                G2/8      Martina Péčová, Iva Jungwirthová

                                                                                                Anna Kučerová, Alžběta Osmančíková

                                                                                                Visual Reinforcement Audiometry as a Method for Setting Functional Children Hearing Rehabilitation in Early Care Intervention

                                                                                                G2/9      Marta Pinto, Eugénia Magina

                                                                                                Ana Filipa Santos

                                                                                                Speech therapist intervention in a clinical context: family participation

                                                                                                G2/10    Rita Laranjeira

                                                                                                Early Childhood Intervention in Portugal: a case study

                                                                                                G2/12    Kateřina Kotasová

                                                                                                Introduction of homesharing in the Czech Republic

                                                                                                Group 3

                                                                                                On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

                                                                                                G3/1      Monika Skura, Urszula Markowska-Manista

                                                                                                Self-compassion vs. mental health and support received by parents of newly diagnosed children with autism spectrum disorder and delayed cognitive development

                                                                                                G3/2      Rita Limede, Ana Maria Serrano

                                                                                                Comparing Early Childhood Intervention Policies and Practices in European Countries – The Use of Recommended Practices

                                                                                                G3/3      Ana Pereira, Cristina Borges

                                                                                                Home support in early childhood  intervention: Professional’s perception in the north of Portugal

                                                                                                G3/4      Miriam Slaná, Katarína Molnárová Letovancová

                                                                                                Barbora Kolková

                                                                                                Transition to school for children with autism spectrum disorder from their parents´ perspective

                                                                                                G3/5      Claudia Tatiana Escorcia-Mora, Rosa Mª Vilaseca Momplet

                                                                                                Magdalena Rivero García, Margarita Cañadas Pérez, María José Cantero López, David Leiva, Cristina Mumbardó, Claudia Portilla, Clara Valls-Vidal

                                                                                                Research project on the use of video-feedback to support positive parenting in families of chidren with autism.

                                                                                                G3/6      Marharyta Chaika, Oksana Kryvonogova

                                                                                                Experience of using visual aids of AAC with families in the Early Intervention service

                                                                                                G3/7      Cátia Couço Lucas, Ana Paula Silva Pereira

                                                                                                Leandro S. Almeida

                                                                                                Psychometric properties of the Sensory Integration Infant Routines Questionnaire: final version

                                                                                                G3/8      Nastya Romaniuk

                                                                                                Online visits in early childhood intervention during disaster

                                                                                                G3/9      Dragan Daskalovski, Goran Ajdinski

                                                                                                Natasha Chichevska-Jovanova

                                                                                                Age as a defining determiner of success in comprehensive intensive treatments of ASD

                                                                                                Group 4

                                                                                                On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.

                                                                                                G4/1      Markéta Skalická, Martina Herynková

                                                                                                Title: “From tablet app to a paper and cryons, and to the real world” – work with EDA PLAY application in connection with work sheets and perception of real objects and situations

                                                                                                G4/2      Ibrahim H. Diken, Ozlem Diken

                                                                                                Evaluating An Open-Access, Online, Digital Platform for Supporting Specifically Parents  of Young Children with Special Needs At Home (Project EV-DES)

                                                                                                G4/3      Marta Pinto, Ana Serrano

                                                                                                Strategies for the participation of families in the support of early childhood intervention teams

                                                                                                G4/4      Noelia Orcajada Sánchez

                                                                                                Perception on coaching strategies for supporting families

                                                                                                G4/5      Cátia Choupina Alves, Carina Dias

                                                                                                Ana Rita Lencastre

                                                                                                Empowerment the key for a Brighter Future

                                                                                                G4/6      Claudia Andrea Viñuela Ortiz, Lila Araoz

                                                                                                María Laura Odero, Amici Laura, Jésica Carboni, Verónica Comandi, Nicolás Di Giacomo

                                                                                                Training and accompanying of professionals, teachers and parents of early age child.

                                                                                                G4/7      Lidia Rodríguez-García, Paola de la Mano-Rodero

                                                                                                Olga Fernández-Fernández

                                                                                                What has happened to tele-intervention in Family-Centred Practices one year later? The reality of families and professionals in Early Childhood Intervention.

                                                                                                G4/8      Špela Golubović, Mirjana Đorđević

                                                                                                Snežana Ilić, Jovana Uzelac, Sandra Glamočak

                                                                                                Analysis of research trends in early childhood intervention

                                                                                                G4/9      Natalia Jozefacka, Sylwia Wrona

                                                                                                Support of adaptive behavior in engagement model classroom

                                                                                                G4/10    Helena Gonçalves Rocha, Helena Palma

                                                                                                Isabel Valente da Cruz, Sónia Ferreira

                                                                                                The book as a mediator in early intervention (a community experience in Sesimbra/ Portugal)


                                                                                                Please see the active links below for posters by authors who have sent them:

                                                                                                Group 1

                                                                                                On Monday, May 15, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

                                                                                                G1/1      Mónica Apablaza Aravena

                                                                                                Early inclusion: infant education for inclusion

                                                                                                G1/2      Julia Argente Tormo

                                                                                                Margarita Cañadas Perez, Christina Kasprzak, Gabriel Martinez Rico, Romulo Gonzales Perez

                                                                                                Adaptation of a self-assessment tool to evaluate the Early intervention systém in Spain

                                                                                                G1/3      Teresa Nunes Marques   Isabel Tomázio Correia

                                                                                                Julieta Duarte, Helena Neves

                                                                                                Portugal: Effects and Impact of ECI in the Lisbon metropolitan area

                                                                                                G1/4      María Laura Odero, Fassero, María Pia

                                                                                                Arancibia, Natalia; Puliafito, Cecilia; Garay, Andrea

                                                                                                Transformation project in Early care towards recommended practices in San Luis Province, Argentina

                                                                                                G1/5      Mónica Alonso Martín, Francisco Alberto García Sánchez

                                                                                                Claudia Tatiana Escorcia Mora

                                                                                                Questionnaire on Training needs regarding the professional competences of family-centred Early Childhood care speacialists.

                                                                                                G1/6      Patricia Carla de Souza Della Barba, Margarita Cañadas Perez

                                                                                                Evaluation of recommended practices in an Early Intervention Center in Spain

                                                                                                G1/7      Maria Inês Amaro, Barbara Menezes

                                                                                                Fátima Ramos, Florbela Valente, Graça Breia, José Boavida, Mª João Horta, Luisa  Barbeiro

                                                                                                Early Childhood Intervention in Portugal: a retrospective of an integrated and interdisciplinary system

                                                                                                G1/8      Rita Laranjeira, Ana Maria Serrano

                                                                                                Professionals and families perceptions about the use of Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-PT)

                                                                                                G1/9      Terézia Drdulová, Katarína Ondášová

                                                                                                Multi-IN World of children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus

                                                                                                G1/10    Kateřina Jírová

                                                                                                ECI Association Czech Republic

                                                                                                G1/11    Irena Assis dos Santos, Lucie Bartusková

                                                                                                We teach children to look

                                                                                                Group 2

                                                                                                On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.

                                                                                                G2/1      Valentina Martac, Vesna Vucinic

                                                                                                Marija Andjelkovic

                                                                                                Plan development for improving visual functioning in children with cerebral visual impairment and multiple disabilities – case study

                                                                                                G2/2      Teresa Nunes Marques, Helena Valente

                                                                                                Vera Rosa

                                                                                                We make ALL the difference in Intervention in the early years: a Case Study of ELI VFX/Lisbon Area

                                                                                                G2/3      Jelena Špionjak  Snježana Seitz

                                                                                                Ana Validžić Požgaj

                                                                                                Appropriate level of support in early age- from early assessment to early intervention

                                                                                                G2/4      Isabel Tomázio Correia, Gabriela Leite

                                                                                                Creative Partnershift – Family training spaces: Construction of a tactile illustrated book for Maria, a child with impaired vision

                                                                                                G2/5      Martina Papoušková, Marie Modlitbová

                                                                                                Connecting early intervention with neonatology

                                                                                                G2/6      Marharyta Chaika, Iryna Shulha

                                                                                                Kateryna Husak

                                                                                                Features of organizing an effective Parents’ Club in an Early Intervention Service in an emergency situation

                                                                                                G2/7      Romana Chalupová, David Najbrt

                                                                                                Pupa Explores the World

                                                                                                G2/8      Martina Péčová, Iva Jungwirthová

                                                                                                Anna Kučerová, Alžběta Osmančíková

                                                                                                Visual Reinforcement Audiometry as a Method for Setting Functional Children Hearing Rehabilitation in Early Care Intervention

                                                                                                G2/9      Marta Pinto, Eugénia Magina

                                                                                                Ana Filipa Santos

                                                                                                Speech therapist intervention in a clinical context: family participation

                                                                                                G2/10    Rita Laranjeira

                                                                                                Early Childhood Intervention in Portugal: a case study

                                                                                                G2/12    Kateřina Kotasová

                                                                                                Introduction of homesharing in the Czech Republic

                                                                                                Group 3

                                                                                                On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

                                                                                                G3/1      Monika Skura, Urszula Markowska-Manista

                                                                                                Self-compassion vs. mental health and support received by parents of newly diagnosed children with autism spectrum disorder and delayed cognitive development

                                                                                                G3/2      Rita Limede, Ana Maria Serrano

                                                                                                Comparing Early Childhood Intervention Policies and Practices in European Countries – The Use of Recommended Practices

                                                                                                G3/3      Ana Pereira, Cristina Borges

                                                                                                Home support in early childhood  intervention: Professional’s perception in the north of Portugal

                                                                                                G3/4      Miriam Slaná, Katarína Molnárová Letovancová

                                                                                                Barbora Kolková

                                                                                                Transition to school for children with autism spectrum disorder from their parents´ perspective

                                                                                                G3/5      Claudia Tatiana Escorcia-Mora, Rosa Mª Vilaseca Momplet

                                                                                                Magdalena Rivero García, Margarita Cañadas Pérez, María José Cantero López, David Leiva, Cristina Mumbardó, Claudia Portilla, Clara Valls-Vidal

                                                                                                Research project on the use of video-feedback to support positive parenting in families of chidren with autism.

                                                                                                G3/6      Marharyta Chaika, Oksana Kryvonogova

                                                                                                Experience of using visual aids of AAC with families in the Early Intervention service

                                                                                                G3/7      Cátia Couço Lucas, Ana Paula Silva Pereira

                                                                                                Leandro S. Almeida

                                                                                                Psychometric properties of the Sensory Integration Infant Routines Questionnaire: final version

                                                                                                G3/8      Nastya Romaniuk

                                                                                                Online visits in early childhood intervention during disaster

                                                                                                G3/9      Dragan Daskalovski, Goran Ajdinski

                                                                                                Natasha Chichevska-Jovanova

                                                                                                Age as a defining determiner of success in comprehensive intensive treatments of ASD

                                                                                                Group 4

                                                                                                On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.

                                                                                                G4/1      Markéta Skalická, Martina Herynková

                                                                                                Title: “From tablet app to a paper and cryons, and to the real world” – work with EDA PLAY application in connection with work sheets and perception of real objects and situations

                                                                                                G4/2      Ibrahim H. Diken, Ozlem Diken

                                                                                                Evaluating An Open-Access, Online, Digital Platform for Supporting Specifically Parents  of Young Children with Special Needs At Home (Project EV-DES)

                                                                                                G4/3      Marta Pinto, Ana Serrano

                                                                                                Strategies for the participation of families in the support of early childhood intervention teams

                                                                                                G4/4      Noelia Orcajada Sánchez

                                                                                                Perception on coaching strategies for supporting families

                                                                                                G4/5      Cátia Choupina Alves, Carina Dias

                                                                                                Ana Rita Lencastre

                                                                                                Empowerment the key for a Brighter Future

                                                                                                G4/6      Claudia Andrea Viñuela Ortiz, Lila Araoz

                                                                                                María Laura Odero, Amici Laura, Jésica Carboni, Verónica Comandi, Nicolás Di Giacomo

                                                                                                Training and accompanying of professionals, teachers and parents of early age child.

                                                                                                G4/7      Lidia Rodríguez-García, Paola de la Mano-Rodero

                                                                                                Olga Fernández-Fernández

                                                                                                What has happened to tele-intervention in Family-Centred Practices one year later? The reality of families and professionals in Early Childhood Intervention.

                                                                                                G4/8      Špela Golubović, Mirjana Đorđević

                                                                                                Snežana Ilić, Jovana Uzelac, Sandra Glamočak

                                                                                                Analysis of research trends in early childhood intervention

                                                                                                G4/9      Natalia Jozefacka, Sylwia Wrona

                                                                                                Support of adaptive behavior in engagement model classroom

                                                                                                G4/10    Helena Gonçalves Rocha, Helena Palma

                                                                                                Isabel Valente da Cruz, Sónia Ferreira

                                                                                                The book as a mediator in early intervention (a community experience in Sesimbra/ Portugal)

                                                                                                CALL FOR POSTERS

                                                                                                Will be open from January 1, 2023

                                                                                                CALL FOR POSTERS

                                                                                                Will be open from January 1, 2023

                                                                                                Výzva pro podávání příspěvků v Poster sekci.

                                                                                                Posterová sekce bude vedena pouze v anglickém jazyce bez tlumočení. Přihláška i případná prezentace posteru bude probíhat v angličtině. Přihlášky jsou otevřeny od 1. 1. 2023 do 15. 2. 2023. Autor souhlasí s umístěním posteru na webové stránky provozované Společností pro ranou péči, z.s. po ukončení konference.

                                                                                                Instrukce k přihlášení online probíhají přes anglickou verzi těchto stránek. ZDE

                                                                                                Děkujeme za pochopení.

                                                                                                Máte-li dotazy, neváhejte nás kontaktovat na adrese

                                                                                                CALL FOR POSTERS

                                                                                                Open from January 1, 2023 to February 15, 2023

                                                                                                Program of accepted posters

                                                                                                We invite abstracts for posters at International Conference Creating Early Childhood Intervention Together – Building Bridges.
                                                                                                A poster is a single-page document, typically combining text and images, that embodies a succinct description of your work, research, or best practice experience.
                                                                                                Poster sessions provide an opportunity to share ideas in a less formal setting than a paper presentation. Presenting a poster is an excellent way to discuss and receive feedback. The poster session is conceived as a networking event. Participants are invited to attend the session in person and discuss the content of the posters with attendees.
                                                                                                This call focuses on contributions with practical relevance for Early Childhood Intervention and cooperation between parents and professionals such as support and empowerment of families of children with special needs. We welcome best-practice insights as well as recent research findings from studies.
                                                                                                We especially welcome the participation of parents and parent organizations.

                                                                                                We invite you to submit an abstract for a poster presentation covering topics including (but not limited to):

                                                                                                • Empirical studies on the effects and impact of Early Childhood Intervention
                                                                                                • Best practices on Early Childhood Intervention: methods, approaches, examples of good cooperation, reports on system changes.
                                                                                                • Case studies
                                                                                                • Social inclusion
                                                                                                • Equality and rights and (self)advocacy
                                                                                                • Recent innovations to support practices and their application in daily work in Early Childhood Intervention

                                                                                                All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the members of the Scientific committee. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present a poster at the conference. The abstract and poster must be submitted and presented in English.

                                                                                                Important dates:

                                                                                                • Abstract submission open: 1 January 2023
                                                                                                • Abstract submission deadline: 15 February 2023
                                                                                                • Notification of acceptance/rejection: 3 March 2023
                                                                                                • Conference date: 15-16 May 2023
                                                                                                • Final submission of the poster for publication (PDF document): 31 April 2023

                                                                                                Abstract submission

                                                                                                • The abstract text may not be longer than a maximum of 350 words. No pictures, graphs or tables can be included in the abstract.
                                                                                                • A scientific committee will review abstracts. The committee will assess abstracts to concerning scientific excellence and relevance to the topic of the conference and will nominate poster presentations.
                                                                                                • You will be notified about the outcome of your poster application by the beginning of March 2023.
                                                                                                • Changes in the abstract are not possible after submission.
                                                                                                • It is necessary to send your poster (PDF) to the email address by April 30 at the latest.

                                                                                                The poster will be published on the conference website right after the event, giving the possibility to explain the work further for those unable to attend the conference physically or giving extra visibility to the applicants attending the poster sessions. By subscribing to the poster section, you agree to the publication.
                                                                                                Registration for the poster section will take place via an online form.
                                                                                                There is no fee for the poster presentation. However, the presenting author must be a registered participant. Please note that the presenting author is not automatically registered by submitting an abstract. Regular registration is required.
                                                                                                The poster format is A0 (841×1189 mm).

                                                                                                POSTER PRESENTATIONS

                                                                                                • Poster format is A0 (841x 1189 mm).
                                                                                                • Poster title should be identical to the title of the accepted abstract.
                                                                                                • Remember that the viewer must be able to read the text from a distance of up to 1.5 m.
                                                                                                • It is helpful to have A4 sheet handouts of your poster. Please make sure you provide your contact details on the handout.
                                                                                                • Please set up your poster on the board where your number is displayed. Conference staff will help you to locate the correct area.
                                                                                                • Please, arrange to be at your poster during your designated time in the conference program.
                                                                                                • All posters must be removed at the end of your designated time. If you have to leave before your dismantling time, please designate a colleague responsible for removing your poster.
                                                                                                • Any posters remaining after the congress may be disposed of.

                                                                                                Neither Společnost pro ranou péči, z.s. nor EURLYAID, as well as the Exhibition venue, are responsible for any loss or damage of your poster or can be held liable for injuries to persons or damage to property owned by the poster presenter. The authors of the posters agree to publish the final poster after the end of the conference on the website operated by Společnost pro ranou péči, z.s. and/or EURLYAID.


                                                                                                • If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

                                                                                                We are looking forward to see you in Prague.


                                                                                                check our previous conference photos

                                                                                                Main partners




                                                                                                2022 © Společnost pro ranou péči, z. s.